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Colouring Book - Unky Lastrance
Colouring Book - Unky Lastrance
Colouring Book - Unky Lastrance

Colouring Book - Unky Lastrance

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E u n k y o  K i m  ( U N K Y  L A S T R A N G E )

A classically trained and self-developed artist, Eunkyo studied visual design in South Korea. She was trained in pencil detail and colour theory for a year (typical of Southeastern Asian art school curriculum) along with private and group art classes in fundamentals of art since the age of 5. After graduating from design school, she worked as a designer and freelance illustrator. She has spent her artistic career in Canada blending disciplined study with West Coast nuance. Eunkyo discovered her passion for painting a few years ago. Her highly imaginative artwork runs the gamut from the darkly humorous and sometimes creepy - expressing the simple response to the current events in this complex world. She practices mostly in oil resent years exploring her own inner mind through imaginations and dreams. 


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